
In the last episode, the adventurers fought an epic battle against beings intervening in the fate of the universe, restoring cosmic harmony. As the balance of harmony and chaos engulfs the universe, adventurers prepare to explore further into space in order to open new doors.

Departing into unknown territory

With the balance of the universe restored, adventurers set out on a journey into unknown territory. Armed with the power of the stars and the mission given to them by the storyteller, they set out on a new adventure. Unexplored stars and dimensions unfold, and the entire universe offers untold possibilities before them.

Revelation of the Storyteller of the Stars

The adventurers will once again communicate with the Storyteller of the Stars in a new adventure. The storyteller tells the story that the unknown regions of the universe are drawing out a new destiny, and entrusts the adventurers with the solution. They throw themselves into an adventure to uncover the mysteries of new stars and dimensions.

Deepening the power of the stars

The story depicts how the power of the stars deepens as the adventurers venture into unknown territory. They resonate with the mysteries of the stars and gain new powers. This power supports their adventures and contributions to the universe, and opens up unknown possibilities.

Encounter with a new life form

Adventurers encounter new life forms in uncharted territory. These are life forms of a different dimension that have been nurtured deep within the universe, and new friendships and knowledge are born through interaction with them. Adventurers explore the universe with different life forms and build harmony.

Possibility of a new order in the universe

In a new adventure, adventurers approach the possibility of a new order of the universe. Guided by the power of the stars and the revelations of the Storyteller, they discover clues that will help establish a new order across the universe. The meaning of this new order for the universe will be revealed in the story.

Confronting an unknown threat

However, new threats lurk in uncharted territory. These creatures stand in the way of a new order in the universe, and adventurers must confront them. As their new powers and bonds are tested, they fight with all their might to protect the future of the universe.

Adventurers responsible for the future of space

During the battle, adventurers reaffirm their roles and missions. As beings responsible for the future of the universe, they are determined to explore new stars and dimensions and confront unknown mysteries in order to bring harmony and peace.

Beyond the new door

Finally, the adventurers proceed to a new door. New adventures and possibilities await them in an unknown universe. In search of harmony and peace, adventurers open a new door.